Saturday 25 July 2015


A spark of misunderstanding
Fuelled by circumstances
Integrity of character shorn of semblance
Hate hoists its flag of conclusions.
The conscience -
Murmured in soft tendrils of affection
Listen, heed the whisperings of your heart
Your heart alone knows
Your heart alone guides
Your heart alone loves
Love alone soothes, heals and unites.

mridula menon.


  1. LOVE is being considered as the most and essential and powerful cure. I don’t mean the boyfriend and girlfriend kind of a love, that’s more a lusty thing. That first passionate wave of behaving like rabbits, banging away at every opportunity is a simple introduction to true love.
    How many people do you know who claim that they love their partner so intensely yet they are wondering where they are, who are they seeing, why are they late back from work? They have an underlying sense of mistrust in their psyche. How can you love when you don’t trust? Suspicion is probably the most damaging of emotions within a loving relationship.
    The deepest and truest love can heal any mental and most physical pains. When you share your soul with another human being, the formula that a ‘problem shared is a problem halved’ really does come to the fore.
    Regards & Love, WILLIAMSJI MAVELI

  2. Understanding Love and Being In Love are entirely different things. Often simple people who love from the bottom of their hearts can hardly speak a few lines explaining - the phenomenon of love ; the why , how , who...of it... and on the contrary people who can speak for hours on it are too complex to simply give in to the simplicity of love.
    Truly speaking love being a supreme emotion has almost all good emotions already ingrained into it. Faith , trust etc to name a few.. of the possible ones and countless impossible ones too .
    I think one saying which sums up ( or the futility of such attempts ? ) it in its entirety is-
    " Love is something impossible happening between the two."

  3. In love heart to heart speaks
    It ever suffers at mind's freaks
    Reason's starting point distrust
    Love sails confidently in trust
